Organizing together – over Zoom!
Many organizing services can be done over Zoom.
We communicate verbally and collaborate on a strategy and I coach you through the process, sharing insight, knowledge, tips, and asking questions along the way. You may feel even more in control of the process and more empowered as you do the physical work we are discussing and set up the systems we create together. I can also look up any specific questions that arise during our sessions to help check items off the to-do list and keep the process flowing forward.
The physical work can be done between sessions or during sessions, whatever you prefer.
Afterwards, I send you key take-aways, notes, and action items and check in with you in between sessions.
If you need an extra set of helping hands, I can help coordinate for another organizer to come in for in-person services, or find someone in your area to take away your donations, move furniture, etc.
Virtual organizing can be perfect for those who:
Like to do it themselves (and physically can). Because I’m not physically there beside you, you will really learn to do the work yourself! As with in-person sessions, you can work on “homework” and I can check in on you and serve as an accountability partner if desired to help you make the most of time between sessions.
Have limited amounts of time and/or energy. Instead of a 3-hour minimum for in-person sessions, virtual sessions are much shorter. They are usually between 1 and 1.5 hours.
In fact, shorter, more frequent sessions can be highly effective for developing new habits and skills.
Have a tighter budget. Because virtual sessions are shorter than in-person visits and there’s no travel charge, virtual organizing can be more economical.
Prefer not having someone else in their space… yet – or ever!
Live anywhere! Geographic location isn’t a barrier.
Don’t have a professional organizer in their area.
May know what they need to do, but need a bit of help or guidance getting through it.
The work or activities done in some virtual sessions can fall along a spectrum of actively organizing and more passively body doubling, depending on what you need in that session. Contact me and we can discuss!
Click here to schedule your free consultation and learn more about how virtual organizing could be right for you!