Body Doubling is performing a task in the presence of another person to increase your motivation and focus, and overcome procrastination; essentially, having someone else in the same room while you work.
The Body Double’s presence keeps you focused and on track.
This same concept works virtually, across Zoom screens.
If you have difficulty focusing and find you work better when you’re around other people, you may benefit from a Body Double. A Body Double can be helpful for anyone, but it can be particularly helpful for people with neurodivergent conditions (including ADHD), perfectionism, and anxiety.
Body Doubling is a proven ADHD coping strategy. Many people with ADHD struggle with starting, focusing on, and finishing tasks. Often times, they know how to do the thing that needs to be done, but may struggle with getting themselves to do it.
(Honestly, a lot of neurotypical people struggle with this, too!)
Body Doubling is a buddy system that provides accountability and positive social pressure. It offers a behavioral model of what you’re supposed to be doing and also applies the “Audience Effect” which encourages us to improve our performance when we know others are watching us.
People who have ADHD have low dopamine levels in regions of the brain responsible for executive functions like attention and impulse control. Social interactions can activate the brain’s dopamine reward circuitry, increasing dopamine levels. So when you work alongside someone else, it helpfully activates neurotransmitters, making it easier to do the work.
Many people find they are more focused and productive when others or someone else is around.
In fact, you may naturally practice body doubling already and not even realize it. For instance, when you sit with your kids while they do their homework and you work on something of your own, like making a grocery list, responding to emails, or paying bills, you’re body doubling together.
When you go to a busy and energetic café or to a library or co-working space to work instead of fighting through the distractions that may come from working at home alone, that’s using a body double as well.
In virtual Body Doubling Sessions, I sit beside you (virtually – via Zoom screens), and serve as an anchor to help you stay in one place, focus, ignore distractions, and stay motivated. As the Body Double, I model and mirror back to you what concentration and focus looks like.
My presence communicates to you, “This is what I’m doing right now: I am focused, I am doing _fill-in-the-blank_ right now. I will sit here and focus until I am finished.”
A Body Double can be a passive role: the primary job is to occupy space for you while you do your tasks.
But, in our sessions, it can take various forms.
We start our sessions with a check in. Perhaps you know what you need to do during that time, and we jump right in.
Maye you’re feeling overwhelmed; or have been procrastinating and don’t know where to start or what to work on; or you need help breaking down a big project into smaller pieces. We take some time to prioritize what you’ll focus on during the session.
I can remind you of things you need to do, like have a snack, drink some water, take a break, or call or text someone.
We can have audio on or off, or play focus music in the background.
We can talk or check in throughout the session, or work in silence.
Just as virtual organizing sessions can naturally transition into virtual body doubling at times, you may need me to play a more active role in your body doubling sessions.
I’m here to look things up or research things for you, make calls for you, coach you through a challenge, or brainstorm solutions to an obstacle together.
We tailor it to what you need. I’m here to support you in whatever way you need.
Towards the end of the session, we can debrief and make plans to deal with whatever action items arose for you.
We can even continue body doubling for a bit longer, allowing you to complete those remaining items so everything on your list for the session is taken care of.
You can use a Body Doubling session to do nearly any type of task. You can sit at your computer, or be working on a more physical task, as long as you can still see me on your device.
Virtual Body Doubling Can Help You:
Do computer tasks or work
Reply to texts and emails; Make calls and appointments; Check voicemails
Make a meal
Clean, tidy, or reset a space
Have focused deep work time
Check in on your planner/calendar
Process packages to return or exchange
Open and process mail
Tackle a stack of paperwork
Focus on a creative pursuit, like creative writing
Do laundry or load/unload the dishwasher
Floss your teeth or do other care tasks
Clean out your fridge
Restock your pantry or paper goods around the house
Take trash and recycling out
You can schedule regularly recurring sessions to help you feel anchored in your week. You can use that time to work on whatever has come up for you that week, or for designated deep work or time for set tasks.
For instance, maybe every Monday you focus on a certain set of administrative or fundraising tasks for work; every Wednesday you make a meal; every Thursday you do a load of laundry while you clean or reset a space in your home; or every Friday you wrap up your week by replying to emails, returning any lingering calls, and making sure your office and desk is tidy for work again next week.
Sessions can also be scheduled as you need them. For instance, to help you get through a specific one-off project or during a time when you’re feeling particularly in need of support.
Sessions usually range from 1 to 1.5 hours, or longer depending on your needs, tasks and activities to focus on, energy levels, and stamina. Again, we can tailor it to what you need in that moment.
Virtual Body Doubling is flexible.
It’s your time to use however you need.
And, as with all my services, I’m here to support you along the way.
I would love to discuss virtual body doubling with you. Please contact me for Body Doubling rates and to learn how this could help you prioritize, stay focused, and accomplish your small and large goals, tasks, and projects and to learn about the process and structure.